When to Send Out Thank You Cards After Wedding

We are aware that creating thank-you notes is not as exciting as opening wedding gifts. Yet, these templates and strategies can be your lifesaver.

Here are the wedding thank-you cards wording hints.

You’ve experienced eating the final slice of cake. After that getting ready for the next part which is the honeymoon. This is the reason why thank-you notes must be immediately ready after that.

Yes, it is a challenging task to produce personalized thank-you note cards if you have tons of guests.

Do not worry because you can think of this article as your gateway to have the right timing. Since it can be pretty confusing when to send out thank-you cards after the wedding.

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When to send it?

When do you disseminate thank-you cards? Your guests might have sufficient time on preparing the gifts that they’ll give. But in your case, you are not rewarded with such time. Regarding that, you can use the following tips to get your timing right:

Some guests give gifts before the big day. Use this to your advantage as you can track down who to thank first. You can disseminate thank-you notes within 14 days of their entry.

So, for the gifts that you have gotten during or when the wedding has concluded, send thank-you cards within 90 days.

After you have known the basics of the right timing. We will also tackle why wedding gifts thank-you notes are crucial. This is an assurance that the proper wedding etiquette is followed.

As we all know, among many other occasions there is nothing more special than wedding gifts. This is because wedding gifts are not only more expensive but they are extra special.

This is because your guests mostly your loved ones have exerted a lot of effort in buying those gifts. So it is only great if you will let them know how much you appreciate their effort.

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What content you must put in your wedding thank-you cards?

Always remember to keep it precise. No one wants to spend a lot of time reading fluff so get your message straight to the point.

If you received cash from your sponsors and guests, let them know where you will use it. This is a sign of courtesy because you will be able to acknowledge their kindness and generosity to you.

But, do not limit your appreciation to the ones that have given you gifts. You must also thank the guests that did not give you any gifts at all. But why? Simply because they attended your wedding.

Always important that your guests are a big part of why your wedding without them your big day will not be a success.

Should you go handwritten or printed?

Before, there is no doubt that thank-you cards are written manually. However, it consumes a lot of time and effort. This makes it a daunting task.

The good thing about handwritten cards is that they look genuine. This is mostly the reason why they are lovelier to look at.

Thanks to modern technology, right now printed cards look as awesome as the written ones.

One thing is for sure, you must never send soft copies of appreciation cards online or just send a plain email. This is a disgusting gesture because it seems that you are not serious about it.

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The Length of The Appreciation Letter

This is the big question. How lengthy should a thank-you letter card be? You do not have to compose a novel or short story to express what you feel.

A few paragraphs will do as long as the thought is there. Being precise will get the job done.

Who to send those appreciation cards to?

Usually, you would want to send out those cards to your guests. It does not matter if they have given you a specific gift or not. For those, who have given you gifts throughout be sure to thank them.

Those gifts might come to the various event that is wedding related such as the following:

  • Bachelorette party
  • Bachelor’s party
  • Engagement party
  • Wedding party
  • Bridal shower

Also, do not forget to thank the ones that made your wedding a successful one. Examples of it are the following:

  • Florist
  • Makeup artist
  • Wedding planner
  • Family members
  • Close friends
  • Officiant
  • Wedding vendors

The list is not limited to that. You must thank all the people that you know are a big part of your wedding. This is proper etiquette that you should practice not only at weddings. But also at your other parties as well.

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Do them immediately

Before the wedding ceremony, you should already have a handful of cards done. Although, you cannot be able to finish it because there are unexpected people to thank too after the wedding.

You can just base the cards first on the wedding invitations that you have. It will give you an idea of how many thank-you notes you must make.

Pile up your storage with colorful stationery and writing tools

If you want the conventional thank-you notes, you should consider using stationeries. They will also boost your creativity as you will be able to come up with different ways to design your notes.

This is an advantage if you have good penmanship. Another plus is if you know how to draw. So you can put designs that will boost the appearance of the appreciation note.

Put a dedicated work area

If you have a work area wherein you can create lovely thank-you notes, you can concentrate well. As a result, you’ll be able to create better messages and designs for your notes or cards.

A sturdy desk, comfortable chair, and good lighting will be great to have on your workspace. This will help you finish the task in a timely-manner.

Take it seriously

Disseminating thank you cards must no be taken seriously. You must take everything seriously because it is your way of showing gratitude.

So it is expected that you’ll be spending more time on appreciation compared to saying “I do”.

You can start writing a draft immediately before the wedding. You may just want to leave the name of the recipient as blank for now.

Create them in batches

If you have a big list of guests that will come to your wedding, be sure to have a solid plan for creating those cards. Doing them in batches will be a big help when it comes to efficiency.

Also, you can seek help from your relatives to help you with that task. This will reduce the burden on your part as you can spend that saved time on other things.

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The Examples

It does not mean that you’ll pull off a novel on those cards. It must be written in a brief but all the thought that you want to impart must be there.

The examples that we will show you are just perfect to show gratitude. Not only to the ones that have given you cash and expensive items as a gift.

For example, you have received cash from your sponsors, tell them where you plan to use it. You can share the following hints with them on spending that money wisely.

If you are still clueless about what to put then we have compiled some examples. This will give you an idea of what you can write.

Thank-you card spiel after receiving a wedding gift

Dear Sandra and Nelson,

We are grateful for the cookware set. We are already starting to complete the tools that we have in our kitchen. You know how passionate we are about cooking

We are excited to see you soon. You’ll surely enjoy the foods that we will prepare for you. Combined with nice conversation and drinks, the fun never stops.

Sincerely yours,

Jona and Gil

Thank-You Card Wording after Receiving Cash Gifts

In this type of note, you mustn’t indicate the amount of cash that you have received from them. Instead, you must tell them how you will use that particular cash gift that you received.

Dear Aunt Hilda and Uncle Simon,

We as a couple are really happy with what you have given us. That money is very helpful as we can use it for various purposes since we are starting to build a family.

We can put it in our savings fund and put it into good use in the future when needed. It was great to have you at our wedding — we appreciate it a lot. We are looking forward to the next occasion that we can celebrate together.

Love lots,

Jona and Gil

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Thank-You Card Wording for a Group Wedding Present

Thank the people who contributed to giving you that particular gift.

Dear Mark,

I would just like to let you know that I am happy with the refrigerator that I received from you guys. It will be a useful appliance that we can use daily in our home. This thoughtful gesture of yours to help give us that wonderful give is awesome. Looking forward to meeting you again soon.

Respectfully yours,

Jona and Gil

Thank-You Card Wording for a Wedding Gift from a Stranger

There might be guests at your wedding that you are not aware of. They might give you some gifts as well and you must appreciate it too. Sending out cards to those strangers is a bit challenging but fun.

Dear Mr. Green,

Thank you for the generosity of giving us a wonderful picture frame. It will be a great addition to our dining room as it will make it look more elegant. We are expecting to meet you when we tie the knot a few days from now. We appreciate your thoughtfulness as we move forward to the next phase of our life.


Jona and Gil

Thank-You Card Wording for a Wedding Gift You Don’t Like

There are instances wherein the gift does not fit your preferences. In this case, you should still thank them for it because it is still a kind gesture for a person to send a gift. This is the reason why you are appreciating it.

Dear Casey and John,

Thanks a lot for the useful rechargeable flashlight that you have given us. It is really useful and stylish. Every time we will use it, we will remember that you shared your precious time with us during our special day. Again we appreciate this kind gesture of yours and hoping to see you soon again.

Truly yours,

Jona and Gil

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